Preparing for Fatherhood: Tips for Expecting Dads


Embarking on the fatherhood journey for the first time is an exhilarating blend of joy, anticipation, and a sprinkle of apprehension. It’s a profound transformation, not just in your personal life but in your identity. This guide is crafted to support expecting fathers like you in embracing this pivotal life event. From mastering practical skills to nurturing your emotional well-being, each step is designed to equip you with the confidence and joy needed to welcome your newborn into the world.

Attend Prenatal Classes 

Embracing Fatherhood Through Prenatal Education:

Participating in prenatal classes is more than learning baby care basics; it’s a stepping stone into fatherhood. These classes offer hands-on experience in essential parenting skills – consider it your initial foray into diaper changing, soothing a fussy infant, and supporting your partner during labour. Beyond the practicalities, these sessions are a gateway to a community of fellow expectant parents. Sharing experiences and concerns with others on the same path enriches your knowledge and fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

Support Your Partner

Nurturing Your Bond: Supporting Your Partner:

Pregnancy is a journey of transformation for both of you. Your partner’s physical and emotional landscape is changing profoundly, and your role as a supportive partner is pivotal. It’s about more than just physical help; it’s about being emotionally present. Listen actively to her concerns, participate in discussions about the baby, and show empathy for the changes she’s experiencing. Small gestures of love and understanding can significantly strengthen your relationship during these transformative months.

Be Involved in the Pregnancy

Deepening Connections: Your Involvement in the Pregnancy:

While your partner carries the baby, your involvement shapes this journey. Attending doctor’s appointments, learning about the baby’s development, and helping prepare the nursery are tangible ways to connect with your partner and the unborn child. This involvement is not just about practical preparations; it’s about emotionally investing in the pregnancy, which can deepen your bond with your partner and create early connections with your baby.

Be Involved in the Pregnancy

Deepening Connections: Your Involvement in the Pregnancy:

While your partner carries the baby, your involvement shapes this journey. Attending doctor’s appointments, learning about the baby’s development, and helping prepare the nursery are tangible ways to connect with your partner and the unborn child. This involvement is not just about practical preparations; it’s about emotionally investing in the pregnancy, which can deepen your bond with your partner and create early connections with your baby.

Take Care of Yourself

Self-Care: The Foundation of Effective Parenthood:

Remember to prioritize your well-being in the whirlwind of preparing for a baby. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are essential for maintaining physical health. Equally important is nurturing your mental health – engaging in hobbies, relaxing with your favourite book or movie, and spending quality time in nature. Remember, taking care of yourself is not just for your benefit; it’s crucial for being a present, energetic, and happy parent for your child.


In summary, the transition to fatherhood is a unique and profound experience. By engaging in prenatal education, providing unwavering support to your partner, actively participating in the pregnancy, being financially prepared, and taking care of your well-being, you’re setting the stage for a fulfilling and confident journey into parenthood. Embrace each step with love and enthusiasm, and remember that every effort you make now is a building block for the beautiful family life that awaits.

Redefining Fatherhood: Challenging Social Media Stereotypes and Celebrating Dad’s Role in Parenting


In an era where social media is dominant in shaping societal narratives, its influence on family and parenting roles cannot be overstated. However, this digital storytelling has a significant gap – the underrepresentation of fathers. Fathers often find themselves sidelined in the narrative as platforms overflow with content from mothers sharing their parenting journeys. This exclusion paints an incomplete picture of parenting, subtly implying that it’s primarily a mother’s domain. This article delves into the overlooked struggles of dads in the social media age, highlighting the need for a more balanced portrayal of parenting roles.

The Social Media Parenting Landscape

When scrolling through social media, one will likely encounter numerous posts, blogs, and videos centred around motherhood. These narratives range from the joys and challenges of raising children to tips on managing household duties, all predominantly voiced by mothers. This overwhelming presence has inadvertently set a standard in the digital world, where parenting is primarily equated with motherhood.

However, the fathers’ perspective is strikingly absent in this digital dialogue. The rarity of posts celebrating paternal involvement or discussing the challenges dads face in parenting is noticeable. This disparity is not just about numbers; it reflects a more profound societal inclination to view parenting through a mother-centric lens. Consequently, fathers are often portrayed as secondary characters in the family storyline, if they are mentioned at all.

Impact on Fathers

The underrepresentation of fathers on social media has profound emotional implications. Many dads who actively participate in parenting find themselves in a narrative that doesn’t acknowledge their existence. This can lead to feelings of undervaluation, questioning their importance in the child-rearing process. The perpetuation of the stereotype that dads are less involved in parenting can be disheartening and damaging to their self-esteem.

Moreover, this portrayal feeds into the outdated notion that fathers are merely the breadwinners and not integral to day-to-day parenting. It overlooks the bedtime stories they tell, the school runs they manage, and the emotional support they provide. This skewed narrative not only affects how fathers view themselves but also how they are perceived by others, leading to a societal undervaluing of their role in parenting.

Broader Societal Effects

The repercussions of this social media trend extend beyond individual fathers. It reinforces traditional gender roles, pigeonholing men and women into outdated stereotypes. This skewed representation can influence children’s perception of parental roles, shaping their understanding of being a father or a mother.

Furthermore, the narrative complicates the push for paternal rights, such as paternity leave and equal parenting responsibilities. If society predominantly sees parenting as a mother’s role, it becomes challenging to advocate for policies that support involved fatherhood. This impacts fathers wanting to be more involved and places an unfair burden on mothers to be the primary caregivers.

Positive Shifts and Initiatives

Despite these challenges, there is a growing movement towards a more inclusive representation of parenting on social media. Some influencers and dad bloggers are breaking the mould, sharing their parenting experiences and challenges. These voices are essential in normalizing the image of the engaged and nurturing father.

Additionally, social media groups and campaigns advocate for dads’ recognition in parenting. They highlight the joys and struggles of fatherhood, aiming to balance the narrative and provide a more holistic view of what parenting entails.


The journey to a balanced portrayal of parenting on social media is crucial. Recognizing the role of fathers is not just about adding more voices to the conversation; it’s about painting a realistic picture of modern parenting. A narrative that includes both mothers and fathers equally is essential for shaping a society that truly values and supports all aspects of parenting.

As users and creators of social media content, we are responsible for encouraging and sharing stories that include dads in the parenting equation. By doing so, we can help break down stereotypes, support policy changes for parental rights, and, most importantly, show the next generation that parenting is not bound by gender but is a shared, loving responsibility.

Mydoh: Turning My Kids into Budgeting Buffs, One Toy at a Time!

Hello Mydoh!

Parenting is like trying to herd cats, except the cats are tiny humans with an insatiable appetite for new things and a knack for draining your wallet faster than you can say “budget.” As a parent, you know that teaching your kids about money management is vital for their future. But how do you turn those adorable little spendthrifts into savvy savers without losing your sanity in the process? Enter Mydoh – the superhero sidekick parents need to teach kids about earning, budgeting, and setting saving goals.

The Trouble with Tooth Fairy Money

Let’s face it – tooth fairy money doesn’t grow on trees, even if it does seem like it when you’re a kid. My little ones were flush with cash from their tooth fairy visits, but what was missing was a sense of responsibility. Whenever a new shiny toy or gadget hit the market, my kids magically developed a few wobbly teeth to tap into that sweet fairy gold mine.

But with Mydoh, the tooth fairy was finally off the hook. I used the app to set up a virtual wallet for Ben, and whenever he received tooth fairy money or birthday cash, I could send it to him straight in the Mydoh app —no more lost dollars or tooth fairy overdrafts – just a tidy digital record of his newfound riches.

The Budgeting ‘Talk’

As any parent knows, the “budgeting talk” is about as much fun as pulling teeth (pun intended). But with Mydoh, we turned that chore into an engaging and interactive activity. I sat down with Ben, who opened the Mydoh app, and helped him divide his money into three buckets: General Savings, Savings Goals, and Spend. Think of these buckets as the holy grail of budgeting for kids.

The Savings Goal bucket was where we set the stage for the real magic. I explained to Ben that it was his treasure chest for saving up for the big-ticket items he craved. I let him choose what he wanted to save for – in his case, it was a scooter. He was over the moon, and so was I, because suddenly, Ben had a goal that went beyond “buy everything now.”

Setting Savings Goals

Mydoh makes setting savings goals a breeze. We entered the price of the scooter into the app, and voilà – it showed how much money Ben still needed to reach his goal. Now, he has a visual representation of his progress, with a thermometer-like indicator showing how close he was to his goal!

But there was a twist. I encouraged Ben to save some of his money for a rainy day, just in case another new gadget craze struck the world of toys. This helps teach him that financial security was as important as splurging on a dream toy.

The Great Chore Revolution

Mydoh also helps kids learn about money through earning. Instead of doling out allowances for free, I tied earnings to his willingness to help around the house. Suddenly, the prospect of making his bed and doing the dishes was more appealing than ever.

Mydoh makes it easy for me to assign a different value to each chore, and it was up to Ben to decide which ones he wanted to tackle. He even started negotiating prices for the juiciest tasks, like raking the leaves or setting the table. The best part? He learned that money was not just handed out; it had to be earned. Hello, future responsible adults!

The Art of Delayed Gratification

If you have ever seen a child’s eyes light up at seeing their favourite toy in a store, you know how challenging it can be to instill the concept of delayed gratification. But with Mydoh, Ben chose to wait and put his money towards his goal, eagerly watching his savings grow.

As the days turned into weeks, he developed a newfound appreciation for patience. He would check the Mydoh app religiously, add money to his Savings Goal and see that savings thermometer inch closer to goal achieved. The joy of anticipation became a more powerful motivation than the fleeting thrill of an impulse buy.

Celebrating Small Wins

To keep Ben motivated, we celebrated his small wins. We threw a mini dance party when he reached 25% of his goal. At 50%, we had a movie night. And when he finally hit 100%, he got his coveted scooter – with a big lesson about saving, budgeting and achieving his goals.

Mydoh Makes it Easy

Teaching kids about saving, budgeting, and setting goals does not have to be a tedious chore; it can be a fun and engaging family adventure. Mydoh made it easy to turn our kids into budgeting buffs and be well on their way to mastering the art of responsible money management. So, if you’re a parent who’s tired of chasing after elusive tooth fairy money or playing the role of the budgeting bad cop, give Mydoh a try by clicking HERE and use the code DAVID15 to get a $15 credit. Your kids will thank you – and so
will your wallet!

Small Changes, Big Impact: A Dad’s Guide to Sustainable Living for Earth Day

As a dad, I always look for ways to make positive changes in my family’s life. With Earth Day just around the corner, I have been thinking a lot about our impact on the planet and what small changes we can make to live more sustainably.

Living sustainably doesn’t mean uprooting your entire lifestyle or making drastic changes. Small adjustments can make a significant difference. Here are some simple ideas that families can implement to live a more sustainable life:

  1. Reduce Food Waste: One of the easiest ways to reduce our environmental impact is by reducing food waste. Plan meals ahead of time, freeze leftovers, and use up all the produce before it goes bad. Composting is also an excellent way to reduce food waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
  2. Use Reusable Bags and Containers: Plastic bags and containers contribute to the ever-growing plastic pollution problem. Switch to reusable bags and containers for grocery shopping, meal prep, and packed lunches. Not only will you reduce your environmental impact, but you’ll also save money in the long run.
  3. Cut Down on Single-Use Plastics: Single-use plastics significantly contribute to plastic pollution from straws to water bottles to coffee cups. Invest in reusable options and encourage your family to make the switch. It may take some time, but the planet (and your wallet) will thank you.
  4. Choose Sustainable Products: When shopping for products, look for environmentally-friendly options. From cleaning supplies to clothing to personal care items, there are sustainable options available that can reduce your environmental impact.
  5. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances: Appliances can be a significant source of energy use in the home. Consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances that use less energy and save money on utility bills.
  6. Walk or Bike More: Cars contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Try walking or biking more often for short trips, and consider public transportation or carpooling for longer journeys.

These are just a few small changes families can make to live more sustainably. Every little bit counts and even small actions can significantly impact. By making sustainable choices, we can help protect our planet for future generations.

As a dad, I must set a good example for my children and show them the importance of living sustainably. We can all contribute to a healthier planet and a better future by making small changes in our daily lives. Happy Earth Day!

The State of Paternity Leave Around the World: A Comparison of Policies and Benefits

Parental leave is an essential benefit for new parents to spend time with their newborns and care for their families. Paternity leave is a benefit that allows fathers to take time off from work to bond with their newborn child and support their partner during the transition to parenthood. While not all countries provide paternity leave, many laws protect fathers’ right to take time off for this purpose. In this article, we will explore different countries’ paternity leave rights.


Sweden is often recognized as having the most generous paternity leave policy globally. In Sweden, fathers can take up to 480 days of paid parental leave, with 90 of those days being reserved exclusively for fathers. This leave can be taken at any point during the first eight years of the child’s life. This policy has helped promote gender equality, as fathers have been encouraged to take a more active role in childcare.


Norway has a similarly generous paternity leave policy. Fathers can take up to 15 weeks of paid paternity leave, which must be taken within six months of the child’s birth. This leave is in addition to the 49 weeks of paid parental leave available to both parents.


Canada has made strides in recent years to improve its parental leave policies. Fathers in Canada are entitled to five weeks of paid paternity leave, which must be taken within the first year of the child’s birth or adoption. Additionally, both parents can take up to 61 weeks of parental leave, which can be split between them as they see fit.

United States

The United States is one of the few developed countries that does not provide paid parental leave at the federal level. However, some states have taken steps to offer their residents with paid parental leave. In California, for example, fathers are entitled to six weeks of paid paternity leave, which is funded through the state’s disability insurance program. New York, Rhode Island, and New Jersey also provide paid paternity leave to some extent.


In Australia, fathers are entitled to two weeks of paid paternity leave, which must be taken within the first year of the child’s birth or adoption. This leave is paid at the national minimum wage. Additionally, both parents can take up to 18 weeks of unpaid parental leave, which can be taken until the child’s eighth birthday.

Many countries recognize paternity leave’s importance and its positive impact on family dynamics and gender equality. While paternity leave policies vary widely by country, the trend toward providing fathers with the opportunity to bond with their newborns is clear. As more countries adopt policies that support fathers’ rights to take time off, we can expect to see a continued improvement in the work-life balance for new parents.